Příběh předka: Pouť k úsvitu života by Richard Dawkins

Yan Wong As a coauthor of this book with Richard Dawkins, I should point out that there is a new edition (2016) which deals with advances in genetics (especial…more As a coauthor of this book with Richard Dawkins, I should point out that there is a n

Bisexualita– Wikipedie

Bisexualita je erotická, emocionální a/nebo sexuální přitažlivost k mužům i ženám.Existují dvě pojetí bisexuality. V prvním je chápána jako svébytná sexuální orientace (podobně jako heterosexualita a homosexualita), zatímco v druhém je vnímána pouze

198 Kvasny Prum. 2016 (7–8) ást – Brettanomyces (Dekkera)

capable of sexual reproduction) only in thefi rst two mentioned types – Dekkera bruxellensis (anamorph: B. bruxellensis) and D. anomala (anamorph: B. anomalus) (Kurtzman et al., 2011). The cells of the genus Brettanomyces have a spherical to ellip-soi

Ústav živočišné fyziologie a genetiky AV ČR, v. v. i.

Reproduction in Domestic Animals. Roč. 54, Supplement 4 (2019), s. 65-68. ISSN 1439-0531 Grant CEP: GA MZe(CZ) QJ1510138; GA MŠk EF15_003/0000460 Institucionální podpora: RVO:67985904 Klíčová slova: cumulus cells * follicle stimulating hormone * plas

Životní cyklus řas z druhového komplexu Haematococcus ...

First uncertainty concerns asexual cell division of zoospores, hypothetically limited to five cell doublings (Lee&Ding 1994). No such genetic limitation was observed in this thesis, number of cell divisions is thus influenced mainly by cultivation co

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Sexuality is not only a pragmatical activity used for reproduction or for creating pleasure, but first of all it is a substantial part and dimension of human experiencing. Desire to exert one´s emotions is not a selfish effort to gain a pleasure on o

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Not animals, not plants, not fungi - slime molds, 1988. Katz, N.: Die Zwillingsassoziationen und die homologen Reihen in der Phytosoziologie, 1929. ... Kolektiv: Morphology and Reproduction of Two Species of Pleonosporium Naegeli (Ceramiaceae, Rhodop

Roční zpráva 2005 - Biologie

The adduced examples are taken from the following fields of investigation: (a) the physiology of reproduction, where pig oocytes are being used to study chromosomal abnormalities (aneuploidy) in the adult human oocyte; (b) the generation of suitable