Alkohol, tabák a jiné návykové látky a reprodukční rizika ...

Kukla L, Hrubá D, Tyrlík M. Maternal smoking during pregnancy, behavioral problems and school performances of their school-aged children. Cent Eur J Public Health. 2008;16(2):71-6. Kukla, L, Hrubá D, Tyrlík, M. Alkohol a drogy v těhotenství. Rozdíly

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Emoticons, Creepily Brought To Life, Warn Against The Dangers Of Online Sexual Predators. Pédophilie : des émoticônes chocs pour sensibiliser aux dangers d’Internet ! An emoji campaign by Paris ad agency Rosapark created to warn the parents and child

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Methandrostenolone, more commonly known as Dianabol or Dbol in the United States, is a synthetic anabolic steroid developed in a laboratory to mimic the effects, at least in regard to anabolic properties, of the male hormone testosterone. As with any

Tento svět a jeho církev 1 — tabu o pedofilii kněží se ...

Child sex abuse has gained public attention in the past few decades and has become one of the most high-profile crimes. Since the 1970s, child molestation and the sexual abuse of children has increasingly been recognized as deeply damaging to childre

35 nejlepších obrázků z nástěnky Arte terapie v roce 2017 ...

When I color during therapy, it creates a safe space for me to express painful feelings from my past. Coloring engages a different part of my brain that allows me to process my trauma in a different way. I can even talk about the most difficult memor

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That sort of behavioral economics can transform people's behavior in a way that all the bullying and all the information and all the badgering from a government cannot ... new stress factors lead to mental abuse, and bullying becomes a common occurre

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od John Nolte dne Srpen 26, 2019čas 16:21. Between Chris Cuomo threatening brutal violence against a man who called him a silly name, Brian Karem trying to start a fight in the White House, Don Lemon being credibly accused of sexual assault (there's


Examination" in Child Sexual Abuse Cases After Crawford v. Washington [Hra podle všech pravidel. Jak definovat a poskytnout přednostní právo na kříţový výslech v případech sexuálního zneuţívání dětí po procesu Crawford versus Washington]. In: Journal

Kurt Freund– Wikipedie

Je považován za vynálezce penilní pletysmografie (PPG). V 50. letech se v Praze zabýval léčbou homosexuality a začátkem 60. let se stal odpůrcem její léčby a jeho studie přispěly k dekriminalizaci homosexuálních styků.Od roku 1968 působil v psychiatr

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Aktualizace 4. 9. 2017 HAVLÍK, M. Missing piece of the puzzle in the science of consciousness: Resting state and endogenous correlates of consciousness.